Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Turkey Handprints

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Together, Madelyn and I are made name tags for the Thanksgiving dinner table for all 12 of our family members that will be joining us. I throw some ideas out, Madelyn agrees (or not) and we work together. She does the coloring and writing and I help with the hot glue. Check out some of our creations. We tried to make each one a little different. 

Hope you enjoyed our crafts! We surely enjoyed making them! Have a great holiday with your family!

Gobble Gobble 🐔

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Duct Tape Trinket Shelf

I bought this shelf for $1.50 at Goodwill during one of their 50% off nights. I stood in line for 1 hour to buy it, and other stuff. So worth it! Check out what I did!

So I covered this sweet shelf in pink duck tape! Duck tape is awesome to work with because it is tape and easy to wipe off with a damp sponge. It would be great for a nightstand where you/your child leave your drink cup overnight. So, to make this shelf a little more decorative, I hot glued some frilly ribbon on and hung some homemade Pom Poms from the bottom (see tutorial below). I stuck on some Hello Kitty stickers just because she'll love them. The stickers easily come off too when your kid is too grown up for Hello Kitty. This is going to be the perfect addition for Madelyn's bedroom. And the perfect place to put her little trinkets. 

Crafting for the kids!
🌸 Gigi

DIY Tutorial - Pom Poms

These Pom Poms are so simple to make. See the picture below for visual instructions. 

1. Supplies Needed: scissors, yarn (any yarn will do. You do NOT need some expensive bakers twine as many other bloggers indicate.), and a fork. 
2. Wrap your chosen yarn around the fork. I wrapped mine about 30 times for the Pom Pom size shown above. 
3. Cut another piece of yarn and stick it through the middle fork spoke and tie together. 
4. Now slide the yarn off the fork. Tightly tie and knot the yarn. If the yarn isn't tied tight enough, the yarn pieces will slip out and the Pom Pom will not be a Pom Pom. 
5. Cut the rings of the yarn to make frayed edges. 
6. Fluff Pom Pom to desired shape. 

This is an easy craft to do. And it's always nice to personalize whenever possible. You can put this homemade Pom Pom on a gift or around a candle as a decoration. You can hang multiples from a wreath or put it at the end of your pencil. Really, the possibilities are endless.