Monday, March 28, 2016

Stewed Tomatoes

Tonight I made some delicious stewed tomatoes. Because they were so easy and actually tasted like perfection, I wanted to take a minute to blog about them. Hopefully this will go into your vault of delicious recipes because it sure is going into mine! 

- 4 large tomatoes (they don't have to be perfectly ripe and they can be imperfect) 
- 1 tbsp butter (I used unsalted)
- 1 tsp salt
- optional: additional veggies (green beans, green peppers, mushrooms, onions) 

- Blanche the 4 tomatoes. I know, I know. You have no idea what that means! Hell, me neither! So to blanche, it's really very simple. Take a big pot of water and boil it. Once boiling, submerge all tomatoes in it until the skin looks soft. Then place the tomatoes in a bowl of ice cold water to cool down. Once the tomatoes cool down, you should be able to easily peel off the skin. Simple! 

- Now that the tomatoes are skinless, cut them up and place them in a frying pan. 

- Add the butter and salt and stir together on medium heat. 

- Add additional veggies if you want and cover the frying pan. I added a bag of whole frozen green beans. Cook for about 15 mins or until you think the veggies look cooked. 

- No need to add additional spices; your stewed tomatoes are now done and ready to eat!! 

Pair your veggie dish with a protein and you have a hearty, healthy and yummy dinner meal! 

Stewing away!

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