Monday, September 22, 2014

Halloween Memories

I am thrilled about Halloween. I think it might be my new favorite holiday. Actually, I didn't have a favorite holiday before, but this year, Halloween has become my clear favorite. Halloween isn't about presents, which means expectations that aren't always filled. It's just about having a good time. And every year, I have a good time watching my kids have a good time! (And the loads of candy we come home with doesn't hurt!)

I stopped trick or treating around 4th grade. I don't know why, but I remember not going through the neighborhood with my friends after around that time. So when I had kids, I've tried to make the most of the holiday every year. 

Madelyn is 5 now, so for her first Halloween at 2 1/2 months, she was a strawberry and I was her farmer. My sister, Julie joined us, so I had the pleasure of farming both pumpkins and strawberries.

At Madelyn's second Halloween, we were matching ladybugs.

Halloween number three wasn't too eventful, but Madelyn was a cute garden gnome and I was planning to be the gardener. But the outfit wasn't fitting for me, so that idea didn't last.

For Madelyn's fourth Halloween, we matched as mother and daughter Eskimos. These were cute outfits and bought for $5 a piece from the Halloween clearance bin the year before. My parents joined us, as they usually do, and we had a great time. Plus, I was 7 months pregnant.

Last years Halloween was a sad one for me. Madelyn was 4 years old and didn't want to dress up with me. They say girls eventually have a mind of their own and don't want their mommys to pick out their clothing anymore. This is so true, yet sad. She picked out her outfit with Aunt Julie and trick or treated as a Halloween fairy. I recycled an old costume and was a ladybug again. I welcomed a new addition though, and my little Owen was an adorable little devil at 10 months old. 

But this year, this year we are planning a family outfit and that is why I am so thrilled for Halloween of 2014!! We are coordinating as.... NO WAY! I can't give it away before Halloween. You'll have to wait for that post to see what we dressed up as! But I'm telling you, this year is going to be the best year yet!

Stayed tuned....


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