Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Homemade Halloween - candy corn candle holder

I got inspired to make this Homemade Halloween craft by my love for candy corn and my love for fall/pumpkin scented candles. So what's better then putting them both together? 

I bought a small square glass container at the Dollar Store. This would have been the perfect opportunity to use a vase or other glass container that I didn't know what to do with to make this craft. But I didn't have another glass container, so I bought one. I then bought a bag of candy corn and started glueing them all over the container. I used plain white glue. I spread the glue all over one side at a time and stuck the candy corn on. I didn't make a specific design, but you surely can to add a little more character to this simply delectable craft! 

I worked on this craft for four days. I wanted to allow enough time for each side to dry before putting the next round of candy corn on. I will say, the candy corn melted and fell off, so when it was all done, there were still repairs to be made. I don't know if there's a better glue (maybe a glue gun) that would have worked better, so please, enter your suggestions to me in the comments section. 

The final display has two tea lights in it. It doesn't let off a lot of light, but it looks pretty cool. A design would probably look really cool as the light would really make that shine. 

This craft is perfect for other holidays too - conversation hearts for Valentines Day, red and green M&Ms for Christmas, chocolate gelt for Chanukah, birthday candles for a birthday; be creative! Creativity is the fun in crafting! 

🎨 Craft Away! 🎨


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