Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blackberry Preserves

I made my delicious low-carb pancakes this weekend for myself, my sister, my brother in law and our 3 kids. Everyone ate my pancakes! Yay! I wanted to try to make a sauce for them so I took out the blackberries that I had and starting searching on Pinterest, until I found something remotely simple that I could alter and create. So here it is...

- 8 oz blackberries 
- 1/4 cup Splenda
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 1/2 tbsp Chia Seeds 

I haven't used Chia Seeds much but I have them because I have seen recipes that call for them. They are used as a thickening agent for fluids, pudding, yogurt. I have also heard that they make some people go. They have not affected me in this way personally. TMI! I know!

1. In a small pot, heat blackberries and water until the blackberries are soft. 
2. Add Splenda until it dissolves. 
3. Then add Chia Seeds. You'll immediately see that the Chia Seeds give the preserve the "seedy" texture. 
4. Mash up the blackberries as well as you can so that they're all ready to go right on top of your pancakes! 

5. Scoop them onto your pancakes and eat up!! 

Obviously these preserves can be used on food other than pancakes, but that was my use on the snowy Sunday morning when I created it. Also, you can substitute other berries- raspberries, strawberries, blueberries- and make a different flavored preserve. Oh yea! And everyone liked them!! I always have to include that comment because that occurrence is sometimes few and far between!! 

Full Disclosure: these preserves are probably not the lowest carb. The fruit has carbs and so does the Splenda. So add up your intake carefully if you're looking to keep it low carb. Because the pancakes are so low carb, I just guesstimated with the preserves that I used. 

Alternatives: I say try subbing a Sugar Free syrup, like Torani or DaVinci for the Splenda for a lower carb option. 

Here's even a hazelnut syrup I found at the Dollar Tree. 

Give this a try for a sweet spoonful to add to your pancakes! 


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