Monday, February 16, 2015

Holy Mustard Guacamole

I added a little twist on your everyday guacamole by adding Mustard Greens to my mix! Mustard Greens you ask? What the heck are those? Well I didn't know either until I did a little research and found them at my local produce market! There are so many benefits to so many greens so you truly can't go wrong by adding a little more green to you guac!

Mustard Greens prevent arthritis and anemia, lower LDL cholesterol, battle the onset of heart disease and offer protection against cancerous growths and asthma. Mustard Greens are high in Vitamins A, C and K, fiber, antioxidants, B-complex group of vitamins such as riboflavin and folic acid, and high in calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, magnesium and potassium. With all these benefits, we should all be consuming Mustard Greens all the time!! (content courtesy of: faqs)

-5 leaves of Mustard Greens 
-1/4 of an onion
-3 avocados
-10 stalks of cilantro
-a dash of garlic powder
-a dash of salt
-the juice of one lime

1. Boil the mustard greens for 5 or so minutes. They will smell peppery, almost making your eyes tear, but that's normal. If you want, taste them while boiling and you'll see that they taste "normal" and not at all like the scent you are smelling! I promise!! 

2. Drain and dry the greens. 
3. Throw the greens in the blender with the onion and garlic powder. You can use a fresh garlic clove instead of powder if you want, about 1/2 clove. 
4. Once these ingredients are blended, throw in all the rest of the ingredients and blend until desired consistency. 

I used my new citrus juicer to make lime juice! This tool really squeezed all the juice from the lime! 

5. Enjoy with your favorite chips or carb-free pork rinds! I ate with salt & vinegar pork rinds and the added flavor of the pork rinds really made the guac pop! 

This guac is delicious with or without chips honestly! And once I started eating it, it was hard to stop! I pre-portioned my chips so that I wouldn't overindulge. 😉

I hope you'll consider making homemade guac next time you want to dip your chips! I think I'll never go back to store bought after this recipe! 


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