Sunday, February 1, 2015

Low-Carb Pancakes

Pancakes. Another one of those flour foods that I miss while eating low-carb. So I found a way to make my own! And these are low-carb, gluten free, and all around yummy! They filled me up for breakfast and made me craving more! 

- 4 oz cream cheese
- 4 eggs
- just a tad of vanilla (optional)

- get out the griddle or frying pan 
- blend cream cheese & eggs with a hand blender
- add a tad of vanilla syrup (or try another syrup if you want or none at all) 
- continue to blend 
- pour about 3 tbsp worth onto the griddle to make a pancake
- flip, like any other pancake
- plate up when the pancake is golden brown
- now is the time that you can enjoy OR you can add some Sugar Free syrup (Maple Farms brand has some) or add a touch of butter, Splenda and cinnamon

These taste just as good as the real thing. They are light and fluffy. Honestly, I ate the whole batch which was 16 carbs total. Super easy and super delicious! Starting to feel like I can eat everything that anyone else eats in my own Low-Carb version! 

Yay for Low-Carb!

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