Monday, March 16, 2015

Low-Carb/Egg Fast "Muglette"

So today is the start of my 5 day, low-carb, egg fast. It's a fast which is suppose to help break through the stall in weight loss that I have been experiencing for months! There's a ton of research to support it too! Just google Egg Fast. But I know you're not going to, so here's the support.....

For the egg fast, all you can eat for 5 days (I chose 5 days but it can be anywhere from 3-30 days really), is eggs, fat, and protein. So my first egg fast meal is a "muglette," that's a mug omelette ya'll! Like an omelette in a mug, yep! 

- 3 eggs
- 1 tbsp cheese
- 1 tbsp meat (meat is not technically egg fast approved) 
- cooking spray 
- salsa, olives, veggies (optional, though also not egg fast approved) 

- spray the inside of the mug with a cooking spray 
- beat 3 eggs in the cup
- add in some cheese and meat (this morning I used shredded chicken, but you can also use pepperoni, sausage, ground beef, anything that you love!) 
- add in your optional ingredients too (I didn't for the purpose of this fast)
- microwave the mug for 1 minute and stir
- then microwave for another minute and let cool
- and eat! 

It's very easy and tasty! It's good for the egg fast and for an everyday breakfast! 


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